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Healthy Soils for Grazing Lands: Range Seeding - Field Day Resources

The ARCD thanks all attendees for joining us at the Healthy Soils for Grazing Lands: Range Seeding Field Day. (And for sticking it out in the heat!)

Thank you to attendees for being enthusiastic and ready to engage with the presenters, topics, and each other. The supplemental discussions and conversations that took place added to the day's sharing of knowledge. 

People sitting in a barn, some with cowboy hats, during an apparent meeting or gathering.

Please find below range seeding resources shared at the event (plus more):

 Presenters & Organizations
Projector Presentations
Rancher Experience_Leisel Finley and Hillary Solsberry.pdfWeeds on Rangelands_Scott Oneto.pdfFinancial and Technical Assistance Programs_Valerie Bullard and Maddison Easely.pdf
Technical Assistance Resources
Financial Assistance - Grants & Programs
Healthy Soils Program Grant Opportunities 

CDFA Healthy Soils Program – Incentives Grant - Direct to farmer grants from CDFA for the implementation of soil conservation practices

Regional Healthy Soils Program Block Grants - Direct to farmer grants from regional growers organizations and Resource Conservation Districts, funded by CDFA, for the implementation of soil conservation practices.

Research Grant Opportunities 

Farmer/Rancher - SARE Western – “Program aims to honor producer innovation by funding on-farm research that benefits and is led by producers themselves.”

Professional + Producer - SARE Western – “Program involves agricultural technical advisor (main applicant) and producers implementing projects to address identified needs in sustainable agriculture.”

Additional Grant Opportunities 

CDFA State Water Efficiency & Enhancement Program (SWEEP)

Zero Food Print

  •  Restore Grants – Implementation of Carbon Sequestering Practices
  •  Compost Connector Grants – Compost Amendment

Community Alliance of Family Farms – Farmer Funding Opportunities Database

  • CAFF also provides Technical Assistance for grant programs


Please keep a look out for a future Healthy Soils for Grazing Lands Event in 2025.  We hope to see you then!

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